Forest School leaders must have completed Forest School Practitioner level 3 training. This course covers a variety of outdoor learning activities, their management and that of the site. Leaders develop a portfolio after an initial week of training followed with subsequent assessment of workplace based evidence several months later. After assessment leaders maintain their portfolio as they continue their forest school career. More details can be found at the Forest School Association (FSA) website .

Other certification, training and experience may enhance delivery of the forest school programme and could supersede some aspects of the Forest School training such as:

·         Teaching qualifications and experience

·         Youth Work

·         Outdoor Risk Management courses such as Mountain Leadership Training and other relevant outdoor learning experience

·         Up to date First Aid certification

·         Other relevant safety, learning and ecological qualifications and experience.



Review Forest School Level 3 and other certificates and keep copies.

Consider if the training is still valid if it was carried out some time ago.

Where possible seek providers which can deliver enhanced, safer sessions drawing on greater experience beyond forest school training such as teaching qualifications.

Ask to see portfolio evidence if you wish clarification of particular concerns such as policy and procedures, woodland management knowledge and practice, practical skills for a forest school programme including planning, learning and development theory, and delivery.