Wet Bears

Yesterdays Bear Hunt at Gorse Covert Mounds was a challenge particularly to set up due to winds and torrential rain.

However as is often the case, if you spend enough time outside then the weather changes. The wind died down a bit and we even got some blue skies. We got to splash in puddles and get a bit muddy so thank you rain!

This was our first bear hunt at Gorse Covert and we went all over the site often leaving the path and entering wilder areas. Gorse Covert has a wet wood area mainly full of willow, a sloping hill and also a mossland with encroaching birch - so lots to see.

As well as our crew of regular bears we also came across a frog and 2 hedgehogs. Before our fire safety talk and cooking some hotdogs and roasting marshmallows.

If you're thinking darn it I've missed out then DON'T PANIC! We have another bear hunt planned on Saturday 11th April at New Moss Wood near Cadishead. This is a wilder darker wood.